A semi-regular attempt (in other words, as I have time) to explore the interaction between God and the adolescent world, especially the connection between theory and praxis (otherwise known as practical theology). Primary emphasis will be given to the role of the church (and especially the emerging church) in this process.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The End of the Sabbatical

I've been on sabbatical for the last eight months. It has been one of the most fulfiling and productive times of my life. In terms of work output, I was able to complete a book and write a couple of articles for academic journals.

Most importantly, I was able to devote more time to my family. We did the whole Disney/Universal thing in Orlando. I was able to volunteer weekly in my kid's school and had the opportunity to coach my sons' Little League team to the best regular season record in our league. Although we didn't do so well in the tournament, it was a truly special time.

As I prepare to enter the classroom again this fall (classes begin after labor Day), I am grateful that our seminary understands the need to give professors sabbaticals like this for replenishment. My hope for those of you in churches is that you will be around long enough to have the privilege of a sabbatical.


Blogger Jason said...

all youth pastors should get sabbaticals, period.

5:55 PM

Blogger theoskaris said...

I agree, Jason. The key is helping our churches understand just how important they are to a pastor's well-being...spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally. Most church members can't begin to understand why a pastor would need a 6 - 12 week sabbatical, but then again, most church members could never understand the stress of leading a congregation spiritually either.

8:50 PM

Blogger Jason said...

I once had a parishioner communicate to me that I should not be paid during mission trips / retreats / etc. because the adult volunteers that went on them worked as hard and did not receive pay.

How do you effectively communicate the need for rest for the youth minister, who is often perceived as THE youth minister because he / she is young, energetic, and "able to keep up with those kids"? Is there a way to communicate the need for sabbatical to parents who neither get a 6-12 week break nor understand why their kid should be without you for that amount of time?

11:23 PM

Blogger Moby Dick said...

Whatever renews your faith and dedication is good.

1:42 PM


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